Monday, February 22, 2016

Mollusca Essay

You will write a 5-paragraph essay on adaptations molluscs have evolved to survive. This 5 paragraph essay will include introductory and concluding paragraphs as well as 3 body paragraphs telling details about details of the adaptations you selected.

Paragraph 1
  • What is a mollusc?
  • Which mollusc(s) are you talking about?
  • What is an adaptation?
  • What adaptations of molluscs did you choose?
  • State the main idea of your essay. (i.e. The _______ adaptations help the __________ mollusc survive.)

Paragraph 2
  • evolutionary adaptation 1
  • What is it?
  • How does the adaptation work?
  • How does it help the animal survive?

Paragraph 3
  • evolutionary adaptation 2
  • What is it?
  • How does the adaptation work?
  • How does it help the animal survive?

Paragraph 4
  • evolutionary adaptation 3
  • What is it?
  • How does the adaptation work?
  • How does it help the animal survive?

Paragraph 5
  • Sum up what you have learned about mollusc adaptations.
  • Restate some of your most important information about it.

Suggestions for adaptations:

  • chromatophores
  • intelligence
  • lack of bones
  • fine muscle control
  • locomotion
  • ink
  • arms/tentacles
  • other ideas, upon approval

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Hydra We dissected from the lab!

Thanks to Glori for the great picture!

Inside Nature's Giants - Giant Squid

Be able to explain:

  • Anatomy of a squid
  • Ecology (What is its role in the ecosystem?)
  • How do its cells work? (Color change)
  • Why are they important to people?
  • What are they related to?

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Hydra Catches a Water Flea

Enjoy the video! Now complete the lab!