Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Thin Green Line and Frog proposal Assignment

Watch the video, The Thin Green Line, and complete the project below:

Frog Proposal Assignment
On your own, make a proposal of why we need to help frogs and other amphibians (i.e. ecological benefits and human benefits). You should include at least 3 ways we can help frogs.

Your proposal could be an essay, a poster, or a slide presentation.
It should have:
  • an introduction/overview (including why frogs need help and why we should help them),
  • at least three paragraphs/sections/slides with a different way we can help frogs,
  • a conclusion which sums it up.

This project is worth 20 points and should include all the points listed above, be neat and attractive, have good spelling, and make a good presentation to the viewer/reader.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Is sushi causing extinction?

Watch the following video on the Pacific Bluefin Tuna trade and respond to 2 out of the 4 prompts in 1 paragraph EACH. Type your answers in a Google Doc and share you responses when finished.

1. What could be done to decrease the impact of fishing on the bluefin tuna?

2. Should eating bluefin tuna be totally banned?

3. Why is it important to make conservation of fishes like the bluefin an international effort?

4. What could be the impact of extinction of bluefin tuna from the Pacific

Monday, November 7, 2016

Shark Finning

Shark Finning

Take Action Against Shark Finning

Write a letter using one paragraph to argue for help in
putting a stop to shark finning.

  • Explain what shark finning is, why it is done, and where.
  • Explain (with examples) one impact of shark finning.
  • Explain (with examples) a second impact of shark finning.
  • Explain (with examples) a third impact of shark finning.
  • Sum it up and make a plea for help.

Thursday, November 3, 2016