Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Below is a list of some of the common insects you could get to satisfy all ten orders. But it is always more fun to find insects that you don't know, so get out there!
  1. Cockroaches
  2. Praying Mantis
  3. Ants/Bees/Wasps/Hornets
  4. Earwigs
  5. Grasshoppers/Crickets
  6. Butterflies/Moths
  7. Spiders
  8. Rolly Pollies
  9. Cicadas
  10. Silverfish
  11. Millipedes/Centipedes
  12. Dragonflies/Damselflies
  13. Flies (Housefly, Horsefly, etc.)
  14. Walking Sticks
  15. Beetles (June Bugs, Lady Bugs, etc.)
  16. Mosquitoes
Just remember, the larger the insect, the easier it will be to pin. Good luck!

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