Thursday, November 8, 2012

Parasitic Worm Research

Hey guys, today I would like you to research parasitic flatworms and roundworms.  I'd like you to become an expert on one particular worm species.  And by expert, here is what you should know:

- Name of the worm (Latin name if you can find it)
- How do you become infected with the parasite?
- What are the symptoms?  Is it fatal?
- Life cycle of the organism?  What are the host(s)?
- How can you prevent infection or get rid of it?
- Where is this parasite common?

You'll want to make sure you know this information for the quiz tomorrow (wink!)

Remember, this organism needs to be from the Phylum Platyhelminthes or Phylum Nematoda.  Check its phylum by looking the worm up on Wikipedia and checking the classification.

In addition, if you are looking for an extra assignment to help out your 2nd quarter grade, you have until Monday to make a warning poster about the species of worm you research that includes all the information from above in visually pleasing manner.


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